Privacy notice

The personal data provided is incorporated into a database under the responsibility of HOTEL TERRADETS, S.L., CIF B-25249384, Carretera de Balaguer a Tremp, quilòmetre 75 de Cellers (25631) LLEIDA


The personal data referred to will be dealt with for the following purposes:

Fulfilment of professional requests expressed to provision of the hosting services, or sending commercial communications, publicity and/or informative in those cases previously authorized.


The length of time for which the provided personal data will be kept, will be the time strictly necessary to carry out the purposes, specifically:

In the case of to provision of the hosting services, the time necessary to complete the service, as well as the time needed to fulfil any legal requirements or to fulfil any possible responsibilities, and in the case of the authorized sending of commercial information, publicity and/or informative, the data will be maintained while the titular has not retired the authorization, and also during the time needed to fulfil any legal requirements or to fulfil any possible responsibilities


In the case that the data is kept, this data will be kept under a pseudonym, in such a way that eliminates any likelihood of the identification of the titular.


The legitimation for the treatment of the data is determined by the fulfilment of the requested task, and by the authorization given by the titular, in relation to the purpose for which the data has been made available.

Cessions and transfers:

The data made available can only be transferred or ceded if so required to correctly fulfil the services, and in those cases in which it is perceptive to fulfil legal obligations, however, the data will never be used for reasons different to those that have been authorized, except for those cases in which it is legally imposed.

Rights of those concerned

  1. Access: Consists of having the right of receiving from HOTELL TERRADETS, S.L., confirmation that personal data is being used, and in which way and under which conditions.

  2. Rectification: Consists of the right to modify inexact personal data.

  3. Suppression: Consists of the right to obtain the elimination of personal data from the database of HOTEL TERRADETS, S.L., when, among other cases, the data is no longer necessary for the purpose for which the data was collected.

  4. Opposition: Consists of the right to oppose the treatment of the data by HOTEL TERRADETS, S.L. under determined circumstances and for determined reasons.

  5. Portability: Consists of the right of the titular of the data, that said data be made available in a physical form, suitable and sufficient to be transferred to another responsible.

  6. Limitation: consists of the right of the titular of the data, to  request limitations of the treatment, in such a way that this personal data not be used in the corresponding ways.

Where and how to exercise one's rights

Those concerned may exercise their rights, by e-mail sent to, or in writing by post to the address HOTEL TERRADETS, S.L., Carretera de Balaguer a Tremp, quilòmetre 75, CELLERS, 25631, LLEIDA, always providing a photocopy of your ID or identification document, and stating expressly what is the right that is exercised and in what terms.

The right to make a claim to the entity of control

Due to any damage of rights, or when satisfaction has not been obtained upon the request of a task, the concerned party can present a claim to the Agencia Española de Protección de Datos.